Monday, May 10, 2010


I recently celebrated the 26th anniversary of my birth. My angel mother did all the hard work that day, so I'm not too sure why I get to celebrate, but I'm not one to complain... I just do as I'm told. Needless to say, I have been loathing this particular birthday. I have an image in my mind of 25 still being young and fairly carefree, but 26 is old. Really old. Too old to still be so far from graduating, and too old to be single. Brother Brigham would even say I'm a menace to society. As it came and went I actually had one of my best birthdays yet. And looking back on this year I made a lot of BIG changes in my life. I always set yearly birthday goals instead of new year's resolutions, (because let's be honest: those are worth-less) and this year I came really close to reaching ALL my goals. Which, I'll admit was no simple task. These were life-altering course corrections. Things I could not have done alone. Not without the help of dear friends, loved ones and my Savior. I'm looking forward this next year with a lot of hope and faith that life will continue to surprise me with more Peace & Joy. More happiness and adventure. More growth and even a little bit of fun.
I would like to publicly (to all 4 of you who read this) Thank all my dear friends that made my 26th birthday AMAZING. Jules. You complete me. No, but seriously. (Bacon and cinnamon rolls in bed, really? itunes gift card, new shirt, comic strips? Could life get any better? I Propose that it could not.). Lance, you also complete me in a bro-mance kinda way. Lisa, you're present was all-encompassing and completely generous. Jenna/Henna, You know exactly what I love most. Kort, thank you for two parties (one with and one without me :). B-fife, I want you to know that you have directly affected my ability to attract a wife. I'm am forever in your debt. KJ, my cake was fantastic (at least the half my dad didn't eat!). I'm excited for ice cream Robyn! Everyone else for your well wishes (especially Ashlee, I lost count of how many times...and Kelsie and Sarah Jane) and spending time with me. Most of all, thank you mother for birthing (wordage stolen from jules) me, and spending time with me in the temple :)

Sorry if i missed still mean the world to me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The GREATEST of All GOOD Things

A close friend of mine asked me a thought provoking question today: "Why are you always so happy? What's your secret?" I find this question particularly of interest considering recent events in my life. If she had met me 6-10 months ago she would be asking me the opposite question. The answer I gave was "the Temple", based on the fact that I've been an avid attender as of late. But that answer isn't complete. I've been thinking more and more about it, I've even been preoccupied you might say. The temple is a part of it, but only a facet of a greater truth. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught that "At the heart of misery from the days of Adam until today, you will find the love of wrong things. And at the heart of joy, you will find the love of good things. And the greatest of all good things is God." I have recently developed a new found love and appreciation for the temple. I have also renewed my commitment to reading my scriptures, specifically from the Book of Mormon each and everyday. I truly love to follow the commandments. I love receiving and following promptings from the Holy Ghost. Who you love you will serve, God will bless you for your service, while Satan will leave you with nothing. I have experienced this for myself. I don't think Heavenly Father wants this to be my secret. It works for anyone who "experiments upon the word". I testify and promise that you will find the same results. Obedience to gospel principles does not remove all trials from your life, but it does bring peace of mind, an eternal perspective and hope for a better world. God is a God of Happiness, the closer you are to Him the more joy and meaning you will find in your life. I am becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, and that makes me happy.